Colored acorns

$199.00 - $2,220.00

The same size as my solid colorless glass acorns, these colorful beauties are based on studies from Oak trees around the San Francisco Bay Area.
I am continuing to work on different color combinations. Please write to me if you have a specific color combination that you would like to have made.

- SQUAT: Red oak acorn, 3 x 3 inch
- CLASSIC: White oak acorn, 3.5 x 2.25 inch
- LONG: California coast live oak acorn, 4 x 2.25 inch

Acorn symbolism
For every mighty oak there was once a little acorn that stood its ground.
The significance of the acorn sweeps across religions and cultures worldwide. The acorn is a symbol of growth, strength and new beginnings. It is the Nordic and Celtic symbol of life, fertility and immortality.

A perfect gift for a friend or loved one embarking on a new journey.
Celebrate a baby shower, wedding, new career or other new beginning in life.
Acorns are also a thoughtful convalescence gift.

All of my glass is handmade by myself from start to finish. I am a purest in the sense that I do not like to use moulds to execute or finish the final shapes of any of my work. A piece of glass handmade from start to finish, expresses that maker’s ability and intentions and takes on a quality and life of its own. While moulds can be useful and at times, absolutely essential, all of my work is handmade unless otherwise stated.