Blown Glass Nuts and Seeds Collection (11 pieces, various sizes)

$2,500.00 - $3,500.00

Blown Glass Nuts and Seeds Collection
11 pieces, various sizes

Available in glassy & etched for silky tactile feel (batches can be mixed)

Jason Stropko's collection of his current project of larger than life Blown & Solid, sculpted Glass Nuts and Seeds.

Currently available only from Jason directly and through our representative gallery SOBU; a beautiful home furnishing & decorations store in the heart of Oakland, College Avenue.

Your seeds will be made to order.

For urgent orders: please select the 'rush order' option. We pay a higher rate for studio rental when we don't book in advance & may put other work on hold to complete your seeds, this is reflected in the added fee for rush orders.

Standard, non rush order will be ready to post within 2-4 weeks depending on other orders and workload.

• Do you have any SPECIAL requests (colours, shapes, sizes, other glass projects)or questions?
• Please visit Jason's website for more information about his work & the glassmaking process.